There is a God ordained purpose for our lives! Im excited to share with a great blog audience. Whether you are a "on the go lady" or enjoying a cup of tea! Stop by for a good read. This blog journeys through Laughs, Tears, Trials and Triumphs! You all are welcomed to this "cafe" of sorts time and time again! #Life Changing #Gods Shines
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- Valencia B. Luckett
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Its so nice to meet you Passionate about preaching, teaching and sharing the Good News with others. I celebrate the love of God and find its ability to manifest in all areas of life..ministry, marriage, motherhood and friendship just amazing! Enjoy the Blog and Invite a Friend to drop by...
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
This is a FIGHT but VICTORY Awaits
Well we started the ABC's of tackling the somewhat mysterious villain better known as PROCRASTINATION! Last blog covered A: Accountability. Let’s take up a few notches. Indeed there is so much to be learned from a Former Procrastinator!
Procrastination hinders the progression towards goals, it seems to stifle gifts or cause a negative light on an otherwise talented person.
Let’s look at the things to overcome this. There is indeed a better you behind that procrastinating habit! Ready let’s go... Of course I would hope it would be as easy as the Blog picture indicates to get from the Start to Finish line... But really each step counts! Let’s finish this!
The B: Balance! Balance is definitely needed to overcome procrastination. Often times the procrastination is not something done on purpose but more of a habit formed sometimes from piling on your plate. What we pile on the plate of "Life: can be jobs home marriage ministry life errands sports and gasp even social moments (yep social media too!) All things work better in balance rather than off-balance. Hectic living harried thoughts and unrealistic schedules can cause you to push things back further and further into virtual nonexistence! There's really a time saying No to some things or prioritizing needs to come into play. Making good workable task list realistically gives realistic results. On my professional job we had Protected Time. Blocked off for completion of a certain type of office work. This works well for writers! Note here: Balancing things in your head mentally is bound to have a downward spiral or meltdown... Something a struggling procrastinator does not need! Write it for your sanity sake.
It’s amazing what 15 minutes of planning does versus 15 minutes of scattering our arms and heads like an octopus does. One brings more completion!
Try it balancing can be your best friend in overcoming procrastination!
The C: No Compiling: Talk about a yarn ball effect. When things are all compiled little really gets accomplished. Sometimes we need to get another C word in action, Categorizing! If your task is creating a business plan than the sticky notes for dinner plans should not be mixed in there! Along with the car payment notice. Take a breath been there! Things like this create a whirlwind of confusion and unfortunately something may get undone overlooked, Apples with Apples and Oranges with Oranges on this one! Procrastination is a tough one to tackle! Got to dive in this one, one pile at a time! Remember car note with car info work notes with work files ministry with ministry etc.
The D: This one is loaded! Distractions little foxes as the Bible describes spoil the vine! Yes little things little hey get back to it... etc can cause a halt to things! For instance it’s tempting to watch a favorite show with a huge test pending the very next day, not to mention you’ve not even looked at the notes for weeks! ALERT::::: That one little girl time session may have needed to be shortened that quick posting on FB could have been done later and guess what the time spent could have broken those notes/study into little sessions and the night before would just be a review rather than a big headache. Identify distractions don't patronize them tackle them head on. Be honest that they are distractions and investigate your attraction to them! What is enticing to you about it? .Quickly close the portal!
These are good pointers from Accountability to discovering the Attraction to Distractions
Please smile you on your way to overcoming Procrastination!
See you in the next blog...
Monday, August 10, 2015
Confessions of A Former Procrastinator ..
delay or postpone action; put off doing something.
"it won't be this price for long, so don't procrastinate"
synonyms: delay, put off doing something, postpone action, defer action, be dilatory, use delaying tactics, stall, temporize, drag one's feet/heels, take one's time, play for time, play a waiting game
late 16th century: from Latin procrastinat- ‘deferred until tomorrow,’ from the verb procrastinare, from pro- ‘forward’ + crastinus ‘belonging to tomorrow’ (from cras ‘tomorrow’).
Ahhhh.. Hi there! My name is.. And I am a former procrastinator..sigh
Now we don't have those level of confession. But to those that struggle with procrastinating it does sometimes need to be declared and decreed! It ends today not tomorrow LOL!
Procrastination is in itself habit forming. The mindset is that time is on my side when truly we don't control time at all.
It can start a domino effect in your life and accomplishments.Of the worst sort that is!
Sometimes what is being put off is a really delaying some of the greatest things in your life!
Emotions are tied to procrastinating
Up first.."I don't feel like it today"
Fear..I'm not sure if I can do this..
feeling overqualified but truthfully the right one for the job!
Anger/Frustration can lead to procrastination..Perhaps clarifying the matter might help with this one!
Distractions are key in identifying procrastination as well.Things happen but in that what can we control? Is it at that moment priority? Or can it be addressed later. Prioritize for the Prize ! The prize of completion
Task that are not prioritized or identified can deter whats rightfully due at that moment. And cause further frustration
Frustration is not our Friend! Procrastination is a hindrance and Fear is not Welcomed here!
Lets look at the ABC of how to go from current to a former Procrastinator
Take a deep breath
Ready set go...
A: Accountability
As a procrastinator accountability was like a bad word. It meant checks and balance on something that was not seen as even needing balance (it did)
Have a good accountability system in place. Reminders need setting. Checklist if that works.. An actual partner...Not one who will be unconnected but are serious about your finished task/project. They should have insight into what your accomplishing! To not only offer accountability but good advice!
If you struggle with accountability the root should be determined
Investigate that the thing that stops the accountability ( in us)
Especially because it can be highly toxic and negative. Or it could be unknown why perhaps we view things from a skewed perspective sometimes as a procrastinator I viewed the intensity of a finished project more readily than I did the little pieces
Please Speak to Procrastination in word and deed. Let it know that it will not have that level of power and influence
Your Destiny awaits.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
#LifeChanging The Beauty of Employing Wisdom
Well who said Life changes are negative unfruitful or unnecessary?
Somethings are truly positive very fruitful and definitely necessary for a good life!
Here are things I found very helpful in the transition to living a life of Wisdom
1. Let the things that matter least stay in that place! Never shift the value of what is really meant to be of no value!
Like the one that is in constant need verbally but never seems to lack anything in your eyesight. Rid yourself of unnecessary financial and emotional straining. Fruitfulness would say show love but don't buy into lack
2. Balance your time to get things done in your world..Its amazing that this can teeter on the edge of seeming selfish especially in my line of "work"..Full time ministry! However its unproductive to teach others this principle of living whole and all the things for your life are half done or neglected!
The most effective teacher is the one that teaches and leads by example!
3. Lastly, Explore it before you invest. Is it really worth effort time and resources? Follow the leading of Wisdom and the Holy Spirit. It may look golden but the core is no where near that. Investigate things don't be enticed!
I've learn to love wisdom regain and really maintain your peace
Be Empowered and Enjoy the Fruit of your Labor!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, December 27, 2010
It's That Time!
As we prepare for a second year in ministry the winds of change are blowing. God has ordained our path for sure. My spirit is leaping for joy today.
Gone are the hindrances, the negativity and carnal mindsets. The fresh oil has been poured. Positioned and ready to operate in His might.
Beauty for Ashes IWM's blog will be buzzing. There will be messages of hope,laughter,and testamonials! Join in on sharing the beauty of God's love.
Love to you,
Pastor V
Gone are the hindrances, the negativity and carnal mindsets. The fresh oil has been poured. Positioned and ready to operate in His might.
Beauty for Ashes IWM's blog will be buzzing. There will be messages of hope,laughter,and testamonials! Join in on sharing the beauty of God's love.
Love to you,
Pastor V
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