Ministry Corner

''The PreachingTeachingSoccerMommy

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Houston, Texas, United States
Its so nice to meet you Passionate about preaching, teaching and sharing the Good News with others. I celebrate the love of God and find its ability to manifest in all areas of life..ministry, marriage, motherhood and friendship just amazing! Enjoy the Blog and Invite a Friend to drop by...


Thursday, January 10, 2008

A path for believers in 2008...

I make no secret of hearing from my Heavenly Father. I'll share with readers what God shared with me..... From the heart...............
He knows that this is a year of New Beginnings for the Body of Christ but there are some foundational matters that cannot be ignored. He wants the believer to be whole ( that what true prosperity is) He desires for us to obtain his promises this year as we walk in obedience to his Word. God desires for us to operate in the principles that are found from Genesis to Revelations. Not just a touch of the anointing but an outpouring is required. We need to be absorbed in him. Meshed with him so that we hear from him daily. This will be a year of New beginnings but not as defined by things or people- however, only by God's Perfect Will for our lives. So please stop, take heed and listen for the voice of God this year. Don't operate in your own will or ideas- use his their foolproof, perfected. Let wisdom be the principle thing this year. Follow the directives of God- he desires to be the center of our lives. He is the very core of our daily walk in this life.
If I had to sum it up I would say God just wants us to draw closer to him as any Father would their child. In being closer we will learn more about his character that we may know we were truly created in his image. We will develop a hunger for righteousness and not for the things of this world. Celebration is at hand for those that obey and are willing to release their own way of doing things. The wilderness experience though ordained was not meant to tarry for an eternity. There's a path this year laid before us.. We have to chose which one we'll travel. the God ordained path for 2008 or the one your flesh can create which will get you..?

My personal Prayer for the Body of Christ: Lord let believers this year say with our hearts and minds: "Hear am I Lord hearkening unto your voice". Let there be a desire to know and operate in your Will. Lord help us to achieve the goals you have laid before us . Let the Ministries you have placed in us not lie dormant any longer. Father orchestrate divine connections that will propel us to further the Gospel around the world. Let no assignment big or little go undone.
Let our homes and personal lives including our financial state be in divine order. Make plain this year your financial plan for the believer.
Let your servants of the Gospel preach that your are the True and Living God. Let us operate according to the unction of the Holy Ghost not our own beliefs and ideas.

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