I'm thankful today that I clearly hear and know the voice of God. Today I refuse to operate or think out of my pain of the past. If I did I would trust no one and be absorbed in anger. I would lash out and be geared to fight if I lived in my past.
I'm thankful for deliverance and wholeness. My thoughts are now lined up with the two.
I'm thankful that I walk with my Father. Today, I am surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses in heavenly places. I am a stronger person today. My level of growth is increasing; I now understand that the pain of unwarranted rejection does not have to destroy me as a person. I'm still God's own, He loves me still, and I’m his daughter!
Lesson learned, point taken God
He knows the type of heart I have. Not guilty of using others or seeking to gain anything from others. I'm thankful that I'm not a cold and calculated person nor am I a user. I am sincere and very sensitive. I consider others and not just my own needs/desires.
This past year was rough- it hurt and I needed restoration and ministering to. He knows what the depths of my pain were this past year. This past year put me in a new place. Roles were reversed. I was accustomed to constantly giving of myself to others and now needed to receive ministering to.
I used to get so frustrated when people falsely accused me of something I know I did not do-or my intention were misunderstood; but God will validate. I'm thankful that God is growing me up in this area. I'm thankful that I know and hold fast to the truth, not the pain, nor the anger, nor the hurt
God himself had to walk me through this transition. He ministered to me.
God kept me in what seemed like the darkest hours of my ministry and my life.
It was time ordained for healing. It's important to get full directions from the Father and know His voice, know His will.
I have learned to recognize when others are trying to truly help and are not looking for something in return. I also have learned there are those that do the opposite.
It’s been valuable for me to appreciate the gifts in others; and not keep them afar because of someone else’s actions in the past. It's a place I'm thankful for- a place of growth.
I'm thankful for the true friends that God placed in my life to minister to me. My true friends went to the Father on my behalf; and stepped outside of their own needs. There were moments when I would smile and my heart was broken. They understood little things -like how hard it was for me to now say a simple word like goodbye. After losing 7 relatives and one friend, it took on a negative connotation. I no longer liked to say goodbye because it was associated with pain. God’s still working with me on that one!
Somehow they patiently labored with me, didn't gossip or judge, or lash out in my mishaps. They understood what season I was in at those moments. Their prayers helped pull me through. Thank you, Lord for Spirit filled prayer warriors.
I'm thankful to be able to walk victoriously in my Father's anointing. I'm can stare the enemy down and say,” You cannot take up residency in this camp and I mean it". My tears are not my meat, the Word of God is. My friends are with me in prayer and I hold them dear.
I'm going where God leads -not where my own will says I should go.
Thanks Lord for valued lessons learned.
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