It has been a long time since I've blogged. So much has transpired in my life. These events have not been things that I'm familiar with or even skilled in. I had no mastery in these areas. It has been totally unfamiliar territory for this kid.
I’ve been in the position likened unto that of a swaddled newborn totally dependant on God as my Lord. Whew! It has been a long process to arrive at that wonderful place. If I would have known it was such a wonderful place my fears and holdbacks would have been put in check.
It is true that I have had a personal relationship with God for quite some time; but this year the relationship took a turn for the better. It was like a dancing with stars move:
I stepped into my place, got out of God's way and am gliding to my destiny.
Recently, God has expressed His desire for me to return home- you see I went MIA into a little place called the “Rat race or the workforce”. God shared that its’ now time for me to do this His way. He did ask, “Valencia, would you like to try my plan? - Your plan is not really working that well. He is ever the gentleman!
Yes, I’m headed out of the rat race I ran for 19 years - the workforce. True, this is personal and not God’s plan for every woman’s life. But this girl has a different assignment! Now to some people it might not seem like such a major step. But for me it’s MAJOR! My job was my security as a frightened divorcee with a 3 year old little girl to raise alone. It was an avenue when my dear hubby was severely injured and couldn’t work. It was my chance to work with abused children, build better families. I’m like Isaiah, this king Uzziah is dead. I see the glory of the LORD and its’ filling my temple.
I've embraced the fact that I need to totally trust God. I’m also realizing that God’s plan for me is unique and that we all really do have to abide where we are called. Some are assigned to that area others to another. We are not clones but God’s exquisite creations.
Now that God has set His plan in motion. I'm gearing up for change.
I pondered today on this journey I've traveled. It's been rough, rocky, sometime unfamiliar but for my good. The tears, the laughter, the utter confusion at times, the 11:59 faith confessions have all been blended together like a cake. God was pulling to this place, he was ushering me into my next level
The fulltime ministry that is being birth in me is nearing... I know it just as sure as I know my name.
As I discovered in my quiet hours with God this new direction is like a masterpiece being unveiled. It’s exquisite. It’s divinely orchestrated by a Master builder.
I am so excited about a new direction for several reasons:
First, it's an awesome experience to totally obey God and reap the reward of obedience.
Second, ministry is my passion and I'm being released to operate fully in my calling
Thirdly, it’s comforting to know that God heard my, “I’m tired Lord cries”. My world was skewed- areas collided, overlapped. I sometimes worked through weekends with my children crying to go out for a day of relaxation. Balance is a powerful asset. I often felt like the hamster on the wheel- spinning and spinning burning energy but with no true end result of the success I had hope to achieve. My success is in totally obeying the will of God for my life. My prosperity, my wholeness is in totally obeying the will of God for my life. I can see now like the boy Elijah prayed to God about. I see it in the spirit realm and it doesn’t at all look like what is before me in the natural.
Along this path, wisdom has played a key role. I have connected with powerful women of God, not with their names in bright lights but those that chose to obey God and answer the call. Thanks Lord for true divine connections. So as I gear up for this journey I know that I’m headed in a new direction! A path led by God himself. My steps are being ordered by God. I’m not walking in the counsel of the ungodly or in the path of generational curses/hindrances. I am walking this one under divine leadership and guidance.
I don't know everything I'll face but I’m assured. My assurance is that my Father is well pleased with his daughter.
The Almighty, All knowing God is in action. He’s on the move in my life. Now whom or what shall I fear?
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