9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, [c] saying, "I gave birth to him in pain." 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.
I read the two scripture verses above and received a profound revelation about purpose and pain. Jabez was named as a memorial to his mother's pain. She had to look at him daily and call his name. I'm sure she would wince at the thought of the pain. However, the Word says he was more honorable than his siblings. So I'm sure that even though his birth caused pain this erased it for his mother. She had to smile with pride to see the hand of God on her son's life. She had to say he was worth the struggle of child birth.
In regards to the ministry God has given me I can relate. I have experienced painful incidents in my life. Oh! there is a list: sexual abuse, domestic violence, divorce, rejection, competitive jealousy, backbiting and on and on. This was true pain. It was unbearable at times. However, in the midst I was called preach the Gospel. God had need of me for His Glory. He revealed my purpose in the midst of the pain. Yes, it's true He healed me. However, the reminder of the pain did not leave. Why? Because it was my testament to the awesomeness of God. My testament that all things worked together for my good because I'm called according to His purpose. Now I know I'm called to be Prophet, a Pastor, an Evangelist and a Teacher the pain makes sense. I do not glory in experiencing the pain, but I give God the glory for how he used it to birth Beauty for Ashes International Women's Ministry. I give him the glory for how my pain did not destroy me; but because of it I got to know God as my Abba, my friend that stuck closer than a brother. To the readers of this blog entry allow God to call you out of your pain. He will propel you into your purpose.
Jabez cried out to God to remove the pain he carried. The key thing is he cried out! He looked outside of his pain and keyed into his purpose. I agree that there is a higher place that you get in God. It is where you say this pain will no longer fester like an infection. You get determined to step into your healed place, your God give purposed place. It is there that ministries are birth, visions come to pass, relationships with God matures, and others are helped to see their purpose.
I urge all those who have suffered painstaking moments or seasons in life- Cry out to the Living God to embrace your purpose. There's someone that needs to know that despite the pain the purpose God has for them is greater.
My prayer is that you allow God to reach into your painful place and place you directly into your purposed path
Pastor Valencia
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