Okay God this is mind blowing just rethinking over this week.
I left off at Sunday which by the way the Sunday dinner was scrumptious and delicious. Scrumplicious perhaps!
I went on an all expense paid trip to New Orleans. My 91 year old great aunt passed away the previous week. I was very close to her and wanted badly to be there for her children and our other family members. I remember sobbing to God and asking for a door to open. Well.. it did. I was able to pay my final respects, start closure and also celebrate a life well lived. My family was able to meet my grandchild for the first time. We ate so much we popped. Seafood, Creole cuisine, Homemade deserts, even birthday cake! Oh and I cannot forget my uncle's secret barbecue recipe put in full effect. My children from the youngest to the oldest had a blast. I had no expenses yet the red carpet was rolled out.
Oh it does not stop there...
Tuesday: : My friends Pastor Manuel Mukes and Pastor Tanika Mukes were used by God to bless my socks off - literally. Visit the couple @ http://www.myspace.com/tmukes
For almost two years I had a desire of my heart. This desire was delayed but not denied. When I had funds I chose to wait patiently if the funds were allotted for a need. But God. when He does a thing it's seems like the wait was for a moment. The Mukes blessed me with a brand new, fully loaded Laptop /it's black and shiny, has a web cam, awesome graphics, litescribe- I can make professional DVDs.. I cried, I danced before the Lord on the spot, I hi-fived God . I was speechless. The blessings of God overtook me. I publicly speak blessings back into their lives. This laptop will be key to my ministerial duties. Can't go around the globe by plane on a desktop. I'm still smiling and praising Him.
Wednesday: I started working out with Zeeda. We walked, we laughed, we ministered to one another. God your awesome. I love being in ministry full time. You've blessed me to be around genuine Women of God that desire to be in Your presence.
Thursday: Worked out again, did a good workout- even worked up a sweat. God spoke so profoundly it blessed my soul. Got to cuddle with my hubby- thanks God for his Prophetic gifting. It's a blessing to the Body of Christ. Had a wonderful conversation with my Mother-In Law. We laughed about a lot. My sister hinted at giving me her older Mercedes.. oh! whew He is really overtaking me.
Friday My friend Keita sponsored a catering dinner at her home. She cooked this delicious food and people put orders in for the plates. Her deserts included Turtle brownies, Chocolate cake etc. The food was divine. She blessed me with a gift plate and a brownie. God just does not stop. True prophecy is key.
Today, Saturday: Informed that I have a big throwdown 40th party in the making. I cannot wait. But most of all the biggest blessing today is that I know Him, He knows me and together we are one. At 40 it is awesome to recognize and adhere to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is awesome to recieve the reward of total obedience.
God is faithful to his children. Lord thank you for the gift of birth- new birth in the Spirit. Watch out devil- the Anointing in me has been unleashed>>>>
My God has sent the latter day rain and I'm in the midst of the out pour.
Oh! Abba thank you! This day would be nothing without Your loving kindness. The beauty is that our relationship was established before the manifestations. I loved you in my night seasons, in my teary moments, my losses. You've carried me in Your arms and because of it- I can truly celebrate this moment.
Pastor V
God's Girl
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