Oh my goodness! I blogged earlier about the manifestation of blessings and now there's more. My friend Zeeda surprised me with a visit (in the storming rain. She dropped by to bring me gifts and a cake for my birthday. Her mom and two daughters visited also. It was so nice and thoughtful. I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about her genuine friendship. She did not come once but twice and brought yet another gift with her!!
My hubby has been a jewel he did the laundry, tended to the children and cooked a fantastic meal. I enjoyed a day of rest and relaxation. Thanks Honey!
My older sister and my daughter along with Grammy's baby boy (D'Anthony) dropped by tonight. They came bearing cupcakes, ice cream and gifts as well.
God I truly thank you. This has been an awesome day. I have had over 7 Happy Birthday serenades, 2 cakes, numerous gifts and an open display of love from family and friends.
I missed my parents today but yet I celebrated because I know they are in my cloud of witnesses cheering me on in this race.
Well I'm off to bed- It's been an overtaking kind of week.
Good night,
Pastor Valencia
God's Girl
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