The past few months have been a time of serious growth for me. I have been in a place that was not familiar to me at all. This place if named would be "This and That". What a funny name you say.. What exactly does that mean? It was some stuff uprooted and some was planted by God himself.
Biblically it would be likened unto the Wilderness experience that the children of Israel had to go through prior to the Promised Land. However, I did want to prolong my ordained time in this place.
I called it ,”This and That” because it seemed like stuff was scattered in the wind like leaves. I found myself baffled..whoahh how did I land here? “This and That” seemed like a bunch of loose ends. It was uncomfortable for me..I liked having it all together you know! Oh but this place was not governed by me at all.. No, I was led there by the divine handiwork and planning of The Sovereign Lord,God himself.
My conversations with God definitely entailed detailed questions. The funny thing was that God really did not seem to speak to my inquisitive nature but to the future path I was being prepared for. He spoke and commanded self examination. The reigns of my heart were tested like King David. I found myself encountering issues that required total trust. Yes, I learned how to have total trust in God. Oh Lord, I whined I want to get out of this place. It's uncomfortable and sometimes lonely here.
Like a child I really wanted God to be moved by my whining and pouting. That Didn’t work though..I had to pass this way..through "This and That”. I literally exhausted myself with trying to make change happen.
Then one day..God revealed Himself in only the way he could. He showed me that this place was ordained. I realized all the while.. I was growing up in Him yet again.
Often times we mistakenly think that we reach a plateau in Christ and thereby are unaware that our spiritual growth is ongoing!
God began the uprooting in “This and That”..He instructed there. He breathed fresh oil daily because yesterday's was all gone. I had my daily bread nothing more and nothing less. My wants seemed out of reach. My solutions and I stress my solutions..were hopeless and fruitless. Arghh, I sighed, “What’s a girl to do in this place!!!!!?
Now, as God commands, I'm headed spiritually to the place I've been being prepared for all along. It's called, “Focused". Even though, it seemed really fuzzy getting there..I was heading somewhere!
This place is where the Ministry that God has ordained for me comes to the forefront. Not for others to be impressed or wooed. No, this is solely for God's kingdom to be built. It is here that only the people that God ordained to be connected can remain in an active role. The blessing on my life, the covenant with God is fulfilled on my part now. Yes, it's a mature place in Him. Thanks Lord!
Focused is the place where I am a doer of the Word, however only upon the clear instructions of God. It's a place where the provision I tried to create will now just overtake me.
Yes, it’s a mind blowing place. Focused for me is the place I've desired to be in God for a long time. The place that bears fruit from the pruned spirit I now possess.
The past seasons of unforgiveness and bitterness have been deemed null and void...No longer active.
God is His infinite Wisdom knew that I had to travel through my “This and That” to let go of baggage and weight. Now, my growth still goes on but with principles of the Word in place. God does perfect the things that concern me!
Focused is the place God desires for us all. The place where only He can get the Glory for all that will manifest. He works miracles through us and for us in that submissive place. Others benefit from the full manifestation of our matured Spiritual gifts. What a beautiful concept.
I'm loving this place already...Why? because God's love for me led me right here. His timing is not like mine. I knew that 2010 was approaching so I thought,"Oh wow! I'm going to get the promises in 2010.
However, the Most High God informed me as I exited my wilderness - It was not a calendar date but a divine timing... and guess what, “It’s NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Truly Yours in Christ,
Pastor Valencia Luckett
There is a God ordained purpose for our lives! Im excited to share with a great blog audience. Whether you are a "on the go lady" or enjoying a cup of tea! Stop by for a good read. This blog journeys through Laughs, Tears, Trials and Triumphs! You all are welcomed to this "cafe" of sorts time and time again! #Life Changing #Gods Shines
Ministry Corner
''The PreachingTeachingSoccerMommy

- Valencia B. Luckett
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Its so nice to meet you Passionate about preaching, teaching and sharing the Good News with others. I celebrate the love of God and find its ability to manifest in all areas of life..ministry, marriage, motherhood and friendship just amazing! Enjoy the Blog and Invite a Friend to drop by...
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